Our Community

Our Community consists of:

  • our loyal customers, trusting us to optimize their processes with our solutions, secure their online presence and business continuity, elevate the quality of their customer service and provide pro-active personal support.
  • our experienced solution partners, supplying innovative solutions, and continuously improving these applications to comply with the latest security - and accessibility requirements, and the (short & long-term) market demand.
  • our dedicated team, going the extra mile and sparing no effort to ensure our customers' satisfaction and business continuity.
  • Our Dedicated Team

    Everyone is participating! For us, this means more than ensuring online accessibility. 
    Our team members enjoy working with stakeholders from all over the organization to achieve project goals.

  • Our Loyal Customers

    Our customers include local governments, housing & healthcare foundations, tax advisory organizations, legal authorities, and various social service providers.

  • Our Solution Partners

    SIM and her trusted partners have the solutions that suit your needs and comply with international accessibility and security standards.