Digital Accessibility

Since 23 September 2020, (semi-) government institutions are internationally obliged to make their website fully digitally accessible. If your organization does not yet have the website in place, you must be in possession of an accessibility statement stating what you are going to do to achieve this. At the moment, no deadline has been set (yet) for the implementation. However, necessary actions must be specified, including the (time) planning. It depends on the measure what a reasonable timeframe is. A statement must be drawn up for this. This statement is valid for one year. The (combined) underlying research results are valid for a maximum of 36 months. Parties must be able to show progress periodically.

To help your organization with this, we offer extensive accessibility training. Or do you want to have a statement drawn up with an improvement plan immediately? Then we can also assist you with this in collaboration with Cardan Technobility

Digital Accessibility training

With the digital accessibility training from SIM, your organization will be well prepared to comply with the required standards in 5 steps. This includes awareness-raising throughout the organization, arrange the accessibility statement and the safeguarding thereof, implementation and maintenance of accessible content, including PDF files and videos with subtitles.

Contact us for more info